Welcome to the Jasmin Foundation

In memory of Marhooma Ghulam Hajira Rafiq

(Born 3rd Feb 1941 - Died 21st April 2023)

(Born 6th Muharram, 1360AH - Died 1st Shawaal 1444)


On the shining night of 1st Shawaal 1444 (AH), Ghulam Hajira Rafiq left this temporary world following a lengthy battle with kidney disease and returned to Allah Subhanu Tu'Ala. May Allah grant her full and complete forgiveness, make her grave a beautiful and fragrant garden of Jannat and grant her a lofty status in Jannatul Firdous. Ameen.


As a caring, selfless, loyal and gentle lady, Ghulam Hajira Rafiq lived a simple life and blessed all she met with love, compassion and truth. She loved flowers and her favourtie was the Jasmin flower (also known as chambeli) as she loved to see things grow, blossom and give fruit and fragrance - an analogy she lived by and applied to her children and their respective families, esepcially with regards to education.


Foundation Focus


As someone who left education early in her life to marry and have children and eventually move to the UK in the late 1970s, she cared deeply about education and its value - both worldy education and Islamic. In memory of her love and values for education, and as a means of Sadaah Jariyah for her, the Jasmin Foundation has been set up as a private educational fund that will make donations and endowments on her behalf from time to time to Islamic Educational institutions accross the United Kingdom.


Focussing on institutions delivering education to children and young people aged 11-18, the funding from the Foundation will be in the form of short term schorlarship funding (1- 5 years) for children and young people experiencing social and financial hardship. The funding is made available to support young people to pursue hifz of the Holy Qur'an as well as foucssing on literary subjects and building youth leadership capabilities.


At the discretion of the Jasmin Foundation, the source of the funding and specifc donor identity will be kept anonynmous to preserve true sincerity of this work with a view to gaining tru acceptance from the Almighty Allah.


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